Evaluation of the market and agronomic quality of cashew nuts used as seeds in Burkina Faso.
Evaluation de la qualité des semences d’anacarde
Anacardium occidentale, marketability, germination, seeds, Burkina FasoAbstract
In Burkina Faso, few actors are familiar with the criteria for marketability of Anacardium
occidentale L nuts and seed selection. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality,
germination kinetics and germination rate of raw A. occidentale nuts used as seeds. The
evaluation of marketability was repeated four times. The germination experimental setup was a Fisher block with three replicates and four treatments: Tₒ for the control, T₁ (nuts
soaked for 24h), T₂ (nuts soaked for 48h) and T₃ (nuts soaked for 72h). Graininess, defect
rate and KOR were 162.95 nuts/kg, 7.74% and 48.21 Ibs, respectively. These values show that the nuts were of good quality according to the RONGEAD assessment grid.
Germination kinetics varied between treatments. Germination rates for the four
treatments were 62.22%; 72.96%; 46.29% and 53.33%. These low germination rates
suggest the application of good harvesting and post-harvest practices for improved
germination rates. Further study of seed health would further guarantee the quality of
plants after germination.