Sensory acceptability of composite flours for the preparation of a traditional meal in North Central Burkina Faso: the case of "tô"


  • DABO Rasmata
  • HAMA-BA Fatoumata
  • BANHORO Olivier
  • KABORE Roger


composite flours, acceptability, socio-cultural factors, Growers


Flour is the main primary product of cereal and legume processing. The use of composite flours in the preparation of traditional meals is a way to improve the nutritional status of the populations. The objective of this study is to determine the sensory acceptability of flours made up in households from a local meal: the "tô". The study was conducted in the communes of Korsimoro and Boussouma in the Centre-North region of Burkina Faso. Three flour formulations composed of 65% sorghum and 35% groundnut, cowpea or voandzou, and a 100% sorghum flour were developed and prepared in tô for three sensory tests. The panel was composed of 122 producers. The sorghum-voandzou formulation received the highest ratings for color, aroma, and texture from 54.1%, 47.5%, and 44.3% of the panel respectively. The sorghum-groundnut formulation received the highest rating for taste from 57.3% of the panel and was ranked 1st by 35.2% of the panel. Gender, social occupation, and educational level of the producers significantly influenced their appreciation of the aroma, taste, and texture of the tô. These flours could improve the nutritional status of children. 



How to Cite

Rasmata, D. ., Fatoumata, H.-B. ., Olivier, B. ., Roger, K., & Aly, S. . (2023). Sensory acceptability of composite flours for the preparation of a traditional meal in North Central Burkina Faso: the case of "tô". Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 41(2(1), 97–110. Retrieved from