Women's experiences and satisfaction with childbirth: development and validation of a measurement scale for Burkina Faso


  • Charles KABORE IRSS


Introduction : Measuring women-centered quality of maternal care is complex. There are few validated tools for this measurement, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Our objective is to describe the process of development and validation of a scale for evaluating women's experience and satisfaction with care in Burkina Faso.
Methods : We used a three-phase approach to develop and validate a QUALI-DEC “Childbirth Experiences and Satisfaction of Women with Care (QD-CESW)” scale: 1) item development, 2) item development. the scale and 3) validation of the scale. We then carried out an exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis using data from a survey carried out among postpartum women in eight hospitals in December 2020.
Results : A total of 686 women were included in the study, most of whom were multiparous (69.8%) and had never undergone a cesarean section (77.3%). The EFA identified three dimensions: emotional satisfaction, support and respect from health care providers and communication with providers,
Conclusion : We proposed a scale measuring women's experience of childbirth and satisfaction with care. Our scale is short, easy to administer, valid and reliable for measuring childbirth experience and satisfaction with childbirth care in Burkina Faso.



How to Cite

KABORE, C., TIENDREBEOGO, S. ., & YAYA BOCOUM, F. (2025). Women’s experiences and satisfaction with childbirth: development and validation of a measurement scale for Burkina Faso. Sciences De La Santé, 47(2(2), 94–127. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_de_la_sante/article/view/1597

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