Wassachiè chicken farming systems characterization of the Southern and Western agroecological zones of Mali

Wassachiè chicken production system


  • Ibrahima Karim DIALLO
  • Moussa DOLO
  • Boko Michel OROUNLADJI
  • Mohamed DEMBELE
  • Amadou KONE
  • Koffi TOZO


Breeding system, agroecological zone, Wassachiè chicken, typology


The characterization of production systems is essential for improving local poultry. A study was conducted on the production systems of Wassachiè chickens in the southern and western agroecological zones of Mali. The survey, carried out with 84 poultry farmers across 30 villages, collected data on the farmers, the origin, and management of the flock. The results show that raising Wassachiè chickens is predominantly a male activity (94.04%), practiced by young farmers (50%) with no formal education (53.57%). Furthermore, in spite of receiving any training in poultry farming (73.80%), the artificial incubation (89.28%) in a common practice. The flocks generally consist of fewer than 50 chicks, fed with locally produced feed. Multiple correspondence analysis revealed three groups of poultry farmers. The first group consists of crop farmers (37.04%) and livestock farmers (24.07%) without formal education, who started with a small number of chicks, often purchased. The second group is composed of artisans (56.25%) who manage animal health themselves and produce exclusively for sale (100%). The third group, made up of civil servants (66.67%), entrusts veterinary care to a specialist (75%) and also focuses their production for sale. The current production systems in these two zones require technical support to improve the production of eggs, chicks, and Wassachiè chickens.



How to Cite

DIALLO, I. K., DOLO, M., OROUNLADJI, B. M. ., DEMBELE, M., KONE, A., & TOZO, K. . (2025). Wassachiè chicken farming systems characterization of the Southern and Western agroecological zones of Mali : Wassachiè chicken production system . Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 43(2(2), 193–210. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_naturelles_et_appliquee/article/view/1695