Morphological parameters, milk performance and reproductive parameters of Djelli cattle in Niger


  • Guéro Chékaraou ISSOUFOU
  • Adamou Karimou IBRAHIM


Age at first calving, biometric trait, calving interval, , Djelli zebu from Niger, milk production


The Djelli Zebu is the only cattle breed in Niger without a conservation program. Its zootechnical aptitudes are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate its production and reproductive performance. Manual milking and a retrospective survey were carried out on 81 cows. A correlation test between daily milk production and biometric trait was then carried out to identify the body characteristics of cows deemed to be dairy. The results showed a strong correlation between maximum daily milk yield and the following traits: teat length (+.845), teat width (+.777) and pelvis width (+.619). Age at first calving was 55.82±5.64 months for cows born in the dry season and 38.16±1.95 months for those born in the last half of the rainy season. The calving interval was 18.52±2.46 months for cows born in the dry season and 13.30±1.04 months for those born in the last half of the rainy season. In conclusion, these results will serve as a basis for selection aimed at increasing the performance of the Djelli zebu in Niger.



How to Cite

ISSOUFOU, G. C. ., IBRAHIM, A. K. ., MOUSTAPHA, G. ., & MOUMOUNI, I. . (2025). Morphological parameters, milk performance and reproductive parameters of Djelli cattle in Niger . Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 43(2(1), 69–85. Retrieved from