Utilisation du ratio d’activité isotopique Y-92/Sr-92 pour la datation d’une récente libération radioactive


  • Kassoum YAMBA
  • Oumar SANOGO


Zero time, Isotopic Activity ratio, Y-92, Sr-92


This study reports on an accurate assessment of zero time of certain nuclear events using Y-92/Sr-92  isotopic activity ratio. For a non-steady nuclear fission reaction, the dating is not possible. For the  hypothesis of a nuclear explosion and for a release from a steady state nuclear fission reaction the zero times will differ. This assessment is fast, because we propose some constants that can be used directly for  the calculation of zero time and its upper and lower age limits. The assessment is accurate because of the  calculation of zero time using a mathematical method, namely the weighted least-squares method, to  evaluate an average value of the age of a nuclear event. This was done using two databases that exhibit  differences between the values of some nuclear parameters, namely LARA and ENDF.



How to Cite

YAMBA, K. ., & SANOGO, O. . (2024). Utilisation du ratio d’activité isotopique Y-92/Sr-92 pour la datation d’une récente libération radioactive . Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 42(1), 179–190. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_naturelles_et_appliquee/article/view/1236