Dependence-impact of the agropastoral practices on the ecosystem services in sahelian area of Burkina Faso
practices, ecosystem services, risks, opportunities, adaptationAbstract
In Sahelian area, agropastoral practices depend on ecosystems services availability. However, little is
known about their dependence-impact links with these services. This study aimed to assess the
dependence-impact of these practices on ecosystem services and identify the risks and opportunities
related to them. A household survey was conducted with 274 answers in northern Burkina Faso using
semi-structured interviews. A total of seven practices are adopted in the agroecosystems: zaï (> 90%), flat
tilling with animal traction (> 60%), ridge tillage with animal traction (> 50%), direct seedlings (16%),
scarification with animal traction (13%), parking (9%) and half-moons (4%). These practices are highly dependent on ecosystems services related to organic manure and livestock production on which they
impact positively and/or negatively. These impacts-dependences generate risks and opportunities for the
identified ecosystem services. The increasing trend of practices particularly zaï, ridge tilling and flat
tilling implies the implementation of risk management strategies to support populations in their efforts to
fight against ecosystems degradation and theirs services.