Hydric status of lixosol under direct sowing in mulch-based cropping systems (Bukina faso)
Direct Sowing under mulch-based cropping system, infiltration, porosity, water availability, Burkina FasoAbstract
In order to address the challenge of crop water resilience in the changing climate, this study is carried out to evaluate the water availability on Lixosol in response to Direct sowing under Mulch-Based Cropping systems (DMC) at Farako-bâ (sudanian area, Burkina Faso). The DMC are associated with maize and cotton biennial rotation in a randomized Fisher block design comparing seven treatments: T1 (no-till), T2 (T1 + Brachiaria ruziziensis), T3 (T2 + Mucuna cochinchinensis), T4 (T2 + Panicum maximum), T5 (T2 + Stylosanthes hamata), T6 (no-till + Crotalaria retusa), T7 (conventional tillage). The parameters measured are : porosity, hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and soil water availability (SWA). According to the results, Ksat is stabilized or improved by the DMC unlike to the systems without mulch (T1, T7). This DMC effect results from a significant attenuation of the negative impact of rain on soil compaction. The DMC improve the SWA which is more homogeneous over the soil depth (0-40 cm). This could be favored by a vertical continuity of the macropores established by the root system of the cover plants. On the reverse, the SWA is strongly discontinuous over the soil depth under ploughing (T7), and this probably because of the plough pan.