Chysanthellum americanum (L.) Vatke (Asteraceae) a herbaceous species with therapeutic properties in Burkina Faso

Chysanthellum americanum et vertus thérapeutiques


  • Lassina SANOU
  • Hamadou SIDIBE
  • Hamadé SIGUE
  • Gregoire ZOURE
  • Silamana BARRY
  • Jonas DABINGA
  • Dofinita COULIBALY
  • Adama KABORE


Chrysanthellum americanum, Chrysanthellines, Pharmacopoeia, Phytotherapy, Utilitarian plant, Human health, Burkina Faso


This study aimed to understand local perceptions on C. americanum in order to encourage its domestication on farmlands. To do this, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted among 190 households in four villages located in the Sub-Sahelian, North-Sudanian and South-Sudanian zones of Burkina Faso. The results showed that C. americanum is well known by the populations (95.79%) and it is considered as a spontaneous herbaceous plant of wetland and fallow. Up to 80% of the respondents think that C. americanum belongs to the wild flora of Burkina Faso. Moderately available in its natural environment (74.74%), C. americanum has been used for a long time by people whom the age was comprised 25-70 at various times of use ranging from more than 20 years of use to less than five years for those who have just taken an interest in its use. According to the populations, C. americanum grows on sandy-gravelly soils (80%) and on clay soils (15.78%). All respondents found that the domestication of C. americanum through its production in the farmlands would be an alternative source of additional income for the populations and will contribute to reducing poverty and improving the state of health of the populations.



How to Cite

SANOU, L. ., SIDIBE, H., SIGUE, H. ., ZOURE, G., BARRY, S., OUEDRAOGO, A. ., DABINGA, J. ., COULIBALY, D. ., & KABORE, A. . (2023). Chysanthellum americanum (L.) Vatke (Asteraceae) a herbaceous species with therapeutic properties in Burkina Faso: Chysanthellum americanum et vertus thérapeutiques . Sciences Naturelles Et Appliquées, 41(2(1), 147–163. Retrieved from