Evaluation des résultats fonctionnels de la chirurgie de la cataracte à l’aide du logiciel de surveillance des résultats des opérations de la cataracte pour Window


  • Amadou Ouattara Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Regional de Ouahigouya
  • Marlène Sossya Fidoni HIEN
  • Mariam TRAORE /DOLO
  • Jean Wenceslas DIALLO


Introduction The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional results of cataract surgery in adults using the cataract surgical results monitoring software (SROC) for Windows and according to World Health Organization standards.

Method: This was a prospective longitudinal descriptive study of 136 eyes undergoing cataract surgery using the MSICS technique with posterior chamber implantation from 31 March 2021 to 30 September 2021. Data analysis was first performed using SROC software version 2.4-August 2009 and then completed using STATA version 15.1. 

Results: The sex ratio was 0.90. The mean age was 64 years, with extremes of 35 and 92 years. Blindness was present in 47.1% of patients before surgery. Operative complications were dominated by striated keratitis in 30.1% of cases. The functional results assessed three months after surgery showed that 90.4% of patients had a good visual result (≥3/10) with the best correction, 3.7% had a borderline visual result (1/10-2/10), and 5.9% had a poor visual result (< 1/10). The poor results were mainly related to patient selection (84.62%).

Conclusion: Postoperative visual results could be optimised by improving patient selection, the technical platform, the availability of suitable implants and appropriate optical correction. Optical correction one month after the operation is recommended.

Key words: cataract, MSICS, visual outcome, SROC, Burkina-Faso.



How to Cite

Ouattara, A., HIEN, M. S. F. ., TRAORE /DOLO, M. ., & DIALLO, J. W. (2025). Evaluation des résultats fonctionnels de la chirurgie de la cataracte à l’aide du logiciel de surveillance des résultats des opérations de la cataracte pour Window. Sciences De La Santé, 47(2(2), 143–154. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_de_la_sante/article/view/1633

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