Optimization Of PCR Cycle Conditions For The Verifiler Plus Kit At CERBA: Impact On DNA Profile Quality


  • Bapio Valérie Elvira Jean Télesphore BAZIE IRSS/CNRST
  • ZOURE Abdou Azaque
  • Serge Théophile SOUBEIGA
  • Abel Pégdwendé SORGHO
  • Prosper BADO
  • Touwendpoulimdé Isabelle KIENDREBEOGO
  • Edwige Tampoubila YELEMKOURE
  • Albert Théophane YONLI
  • Florencia Wendkuuni DJIGMA
  • Jacques SIMPORE


Evaluation, profils ADN, Papier FTA, Ecouvillon


Introduction : In early 2012, CERBA conducted its first DNA profiles using the identiFiler Direct KIT, capable of analyzing 16 markers. Nearly a decade later, this number increased to 21 markers. Today, our laboratories analyze 25 markers for genetic profiling using advanced technical platforms.

Method:The current method has been validated on 20 samples. The overall aim was to assess the reliability of the method on the enhanced technical platform. The present study was cross-sectional and involved taking blood and saliva samples from each of the 10 voluntary subjects who had freely given their consent. Samples were tested using four different multiplex PCR protocols. Amplicons were sequenced using Applied Biosystems Seqtudio. Data were analyzed using GeneMapper software.

Conclusion: Protocols of 25, 26 and 27 cycles produced the bests results, with over 90% perfect profiles. This approach could be used to optimize other protocols for the analysis of different samples and matrices.



How to Cite

BAZIE, B. V. E. J. T., Abdou Azaque, Z., SOUBEIGA, S. T. ., SORGHO, A. P., BADO, P. ., KIENDREBEOGO, T. I., YELEMKOURE, E. T. ., YONLI, A. T. ., DJIGMA, F. W., & SIMPORE, J. . (2025). Optimization Of PCR Cycle Conditions For The Verifiler Plus Kit At CERBA: Impact On DNA Profile Quality. Sciences De La Santé, 47(2(2), 128–142. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_de_la_sante/article/view/1615

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