Prevalence and factors associated with anaemia in preschool-aged children from rural areas: the case of the village of Panamasso, Burkina Faso


  • Mamoudou CISSE Laboratoire de Recherche, Centre MURAZ, 01 BP390 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso/Institut Supérieur des sciences de la Santé, Université Nazi BONI, 01 1091 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso.
  • Diakourga Arthur DJIBOUGOU Laboratoire de Recherche, Centre MURAZ, 01 BP390 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso.
  • Seydou NAKANABO-DIALLO Laboratoire de Recherche, Centre MURAZ, 01 BP390 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso.
  • Kevin Wendpouyri Jonathan BASSINGA
  • Alamissa SOULAMA Laboratoire de Recherche, Centre MURAZ, 01 BP390 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso.
  • Gueswendé Blaise Léon SAVADOGO Institut Supérieur des sciences de la Santé, Université Nazi BONI, 01 1091 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso.


Anaemia, Prevalence, Risk factors, Preschool-aged children, Burkina Faso.


Anaemia is a major public health problem in the world, with adverse outcomes, particularly in children and pregnant women. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with anaemia among preschool-aged children (PSAC) from rural area of Burkina Faso. 

A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and March 2020 among 228 PSAC in the village of Panamasso. Children's sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Haemoglobin concentration was measured using a Hemocue photometer from a capillary blood sample taken by finger or heel prick. Malaria and intestinal helminth infections were investigated. Multivariable logistic regression was used to explore potential factors associated with anaemia.

The mean age of the children was 40.21 ± 15.01 months. The prevalence of anaemia was 66.23% (95% CI: [56.10%-77.67%]). Moderate anaemia was more common (36.4%) than mild anaemia (28.51%) and severe anaemia (1.32%). Age (12 to 23 months) (adjusted OR = 3.92; 95% CI: [1.58-9.74]), malaria parasitaemia (adjusted OR = 3.11; 95% CI: [1.32-7.32]) and severe acute malnutrition (adjusted OR = 3.62; 95% CI: [1.83-8.06]) were factors associated with anaemia.

Anaemia is very common in PSAC. Our results highlight the urgent need to initiate integrated interventions that take into account the multifactorial nature of childhood anaemia, particularly in rural areas.



How to Cite

CISSE, M., DJIBOUGOU, D. A. ., NAKANABO-DIALLO, S. ., BASSINGA, K. W. J. ., SOULAMA , A. ., & SAVADOGO, G. B. L. . (2025). Prevalence and factors associated with anaemia in preschool-aged children from rural areas: the case of the village of Panamasso, Burkina Faso. Sciences De La Santé, 47(2(2), 226–242. Retrieved from

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