Prevalence of dermatophytes in Parasitology-Mycology department of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado OUEDRAOGO, Burkina Faso


  • Chanolle TCHEKOUNOU
  • Adama ZIDA
  • Patindoilba Marcel SAWADOGO
  • Kiswendsida Thierry GUIGUEMDE
  • Haffsatou SAWADOGO
  • Youssoufou OUEDRAOGO


Prevalence, Dermatophytes, CHU YO, Burkina Faso


Dermatophytosis constitute a public health problem in the world, by their frequency and especially by the cost of their management. They are acquired by different modes of contamination, namely: the soil, animals and man. In our study, we will evaluate the prevalence of dermatophytes in the parasitology-mycology department of Yagaldo OUEDRAOGO University Hospital Center (CHUYO) of Burkina Faso from 2012-2015.
This is a retrospective cross-sectional study that took place from August to October 2016 at the CHUYO. The dermatophytes were identified using the register book of the Parasitology-Mycology department of the CHUYO. The data were collected and analyzed on the excel 2010 software.
Out of 503 patients received at the Parasitology-Mycology department of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yagaldo OUEDRAOGO from 2012-2015, dermatophytes were isolated in 146 patients, i.e. an overall prevalence of 29.02% [95% IC : 25% - 32%]. A wide dominance of women was observed with a sex ratio of 0.78 and a high prevalence among those whose age is between 30 and 40 years old. Among the isolated dermatophytes, Trichophyton mentagrophytes represents 35.37%, followed by Trichophyton rubum 34.69%, Microsporum langeronii 22.44%, Microsporum gypseum 3 ,40% ; Epidermophyton foloccosum 2.72%; Trichophyton sudanense 0.68% and Trichophyton verrucosum 0.68%.
The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yagaldo OUEDRAOGO is one of the health facilities where a variety of dermatophytes is isolated.



How to Cite

TCHEKOUNOU, C., ZIDA, A., SAWADOGO, P. M., GUIGUEMDE, K. T., SAWADOGO, H., OUEDRAOGO, Y., & OUEDRAOGO/TRAORE, R. (2024). Prevalence of dermatophytes in Parasitology-Mycology department of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado OUEDRAOGO, Burkina Faso. Sciences De La Santé, 46(1). Retrieved from