Hypercalcémie importante révélant un myélome multiple chez une adolescente de 19 ans


  • Dieu-le-Veut Saint-Cyr Sylvestre PACKO
  • Boidy KOUAKOU
  • Comoe Emeraude N’DHATZ
  • Corcellar WOMEY
  • Blady MPIBI
  • Yannick TCHUANGA
  • Abdoulaye CONDE
  • Réné Paule BOTTI
  • Prisca Marina SOUGUE
  • Boris TALE
  • Nanho Clotaire DANHO
  • Aissata TOLO


Multiple myeloma, young people, Abidjan


 Multiple myeloma is characterized by proliferation of malignant plasma cells secreting complete or incomplete monoclonal immunoglobulin. It is an affection of the elderly. The average age of onset is beyond 50 years old, rare before 40 years old and exceptional in children so that it is not always evoked in first intention in young people in Black Africa. We report, the case of the girl who was 19 years old, with no particular medical history, adressed for the investigation of severe anemia. The symptomatology was dominated by unexplained significant blood calcemia associated with renal failure. The bone marrow exam, done because of an aregenerative normocytic normochromic anemia noted an infiltration about 12% of dysmorphic plasma cells in the bone marrow.

The monoclonal IgG immunoglobulin expressing the kappa light chain found during the urinary proteins immunofixation and multiple bone lesions confronted to the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. The chemotherapy with the VRD protocol allowed a partiel remission with correction of the calcemia. The interest of this study resides in the exceptional character of the affection with this age group and which arouses an etiopathogenic interest. This should motivate practitioners to think about it during signs in young people.



How to Cite

PACKO, D.- le-V. S.-C. S. ., KOUAKOU, B. ., N’DHATZ, C. E. ., WOMEY, C. ., MPIBI, B. ., TCHUANGA, Y. ., CONDE, A. ., BOTTI, R. P. ., SOUGUE, P. M. ., TALE, B. ., DANHO, N. C. ., & TOLO, A. . (2024). Hypercalcémie importante révélant un myélome multiple chez une adolescente de 19 ans. Sciences De La Santé, 42(1), 107–112. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_de_la_sante/article/view/1347