Résistance aux antibiotiques des souches de staphylococcus aureus et des enterobactéries isolés au LNSP de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


  • Absatou KY/BA
  • Arnaud DIENDERE
  • Mahamoudou SANOU
  • Ismaël DIALLO
  • Adolphe BENIN
  • Idrissa SANOU
  • Lassana SANGARE


Entérobactéries, Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotiques, sensibilité, résistance


The African context is marked by the absence of a surveillance network for bacterial resistance to antibiotics. However, studies indicate high levels of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (E-ESBLs) in inpatient and community samples. The aim of this study was to describe the resistance phenotypes of S. aureus and enterobacteria in order to improve bacterial diseases management. This was a cross-sectional study conducted from September 10, 2014 to March 10, 2015, on isolates of S. aureus and enterobacteria from biological samples sent to the National Laboratory of Public Health (LNSP). The antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial strains was carried out according to the recommendations of the Antibiogram Committee of the French Society of Microbiology (CA.SFM) 2014. The search for S. aureus resistance to meticillin was carried out by the oxacillin 5μg; the secretion of ESBL was retained after observation of a "champagne cork" image. A total of 665 samples were processed and 197 pathogenic strains were identified, including 160 Enterobacteriaceae and 37 Staphylococcus aureus. Overall 32% of Staphylococcus aureus were meticillin resistant. All strains were susceptible to aminoglycosides. Among the Enterobacteriaceae, 98.3% of E. coli and 94.7% of K. pneumoniae were resistant to clavulanic acid amoxicillin and 36.4% of E. coli and 26.3% K. pneumoniae were resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins. ESBL-producing enterobacteria were 35%. Imipenem remained active on 100% of Enterobacteriaceae. This study calls on the health authorities to establish a surveillance system for drug resistance and health workers to promote the proper use of antibiotics and good hospital hygiene practices.



How to Cite

KY/BA, A. ., DIENDERE, A. ., SANOU, M. ., DIALLO, I. ., TOGUYENI/TAMINI, L. ., BENIN, A., SANOU, I. ., OUEDRAOGO/TRAORE, R. ., & SANGARE, L. . (2024). Résistance aux antibiotiques des souches de staphylococcus aureus et des enterobactéries isolés au LNSP de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Sciences De La Santé, 42(1), 83–94. Retrieved from https://revuesciences-techniquesburkina.org/index.php/sciences_de_la_sante/article/view/1335